Preparing for the Coming Quantum Cryptographic Break
Computers based on quantum mechanics are maturing to a point where they seriously threaten to compromise much of today’s existing traditional cryptography, including HTTPS, Wi-Fi networks, logon authentication, smartcards, multifactor authentication, and public key infrastructure (PKI). No one knows exactly when quantum computers will mature to the point of being a real threat to most ... Read More →
What is OSCAL and Why Does it Matter?
NIST first released OSCAL, short for Open Security Controls Assessment Language, in June 2021. According to NIST, “An important goal of OSCAL is to move the security controls and control baselines from a text-based and manual approach (using word processors or spreadsheets) to a set of standardized and machine-readable formats. With systems security information represented ... Read More →
Have you entered your SPRS score yet? Don’t be caught off guard!
Many think they can put off entering a score into the Supplier Performance Risk System (SPRS) until they get a new DOD contract. This is not true, as any modification or renewal to your contract will require that a score be entered before it can be awarded. In addition, Prime contractors are now coming after their ... Read More →
BSC has over 15 years of experience helping organizations navigate NIST 800-53 and 800-171 to attain their government client’s Approval to Operate. Our CMMC Registered Practitioners perform independent CMMC assessments including SPRS score calculation, understanding the data entry process and providing a formal POA&M to satisfy contract requirements. In addition, this enhances your organizational security ... Read More →
NIST 800-53 Revision 5 is Hot off the Press!
As we have continually reported on our BSC Security Blog, it has been many years since the last update to NIST 800-53. NIST 800-53 revision 5 is a major update to the security standard, both technically and structurally. The big question most of you likely have is when do I need to be compliant? You ... Read More →